Monday, 22 October 2007

Police at Wembley - 20th October 2007

The Police's final concert of their European tour and I was lucky enough to be there. Some late comers - presumably those who'd been glued to a pub TV in the vain hope that they might see England win the rugby world cup - in a final against South Africa - really ?? - missed the excellent support band- Fiction Plane. A cross between U2 and The Police themselves they were fronted by a tall bass playing vocalist who resembled Sting in many ways. No surprise then to find that Fiction Plane are fronted by one Joe Sumner, son of Gordon Sumner. Must have been fun negotiating that support slot - nepotism rules OK.

It was a crowd full of people of a 'certain age' - me included - but we were treated to a blistering 'greatest hits and more' show with Sting, Andy and Stuart belting through their back catalog with remarkable aplomb. Message in a Bottle, Walking on the Moon, Don't Stand So Close, Every Little Thing, and I Can't Stand Losing You had everyone on their feet. The lights went red to set the scene for a great version of Roxanne and tee-up the two encores which featured 'King of Pain, So Lonely, a roof lifting version of Every Breath you Take and finally the rocking Next to You.

Stings vocals, given that the previous date had to be cancelled due to throat problems, were assured and majestic as ever and, though he's showing his years a little more than the rest, Andy Summers can still cut a jazzy lick or three. Stuart was just Stuart - switching his drum styles in an instant and loosing more sticks in a set than most drummers use in a lifetime, he kicked out tight reggae and rock beats that drove the band forward.

One of the London free papers noted in review that "... considering the band was only together for six years 20 years ago, they produced some of the most peerless pop songs in the world" ; hard to argue with that.

Full Set List
Message in a Bottle
Synchronicity II
Walking On The Moon
Voices Inside My Head
When The World Is Running Down
Don't Stand So Close To Me
Driven To Tears
Truth Hits Everybody
Hole In My Life
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Wrapped Around Your Finger
De Do Do Do De Da Da Da
Invisible Sun
Walking In Your Footsteps
Can't Stand Losing You

King Of Pain
So Lonely
Every Breath You Take
Next To You

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