you can empower, cajole, encourage, influence, create climates.... but sometimes you just have to say it as it is.
.... and too young to die. This is my "catch all" blog for now
......shamelessly lifted from my work with David Taylor, Author of the Naked Leader series and someone who I am privileged to consider an inspiration, a colleague and friend. His blog on IT leadership is here
The future is your choice – so seize the moment …
Please try to stop using the term "the business" which in itself creates separation - you are the business. “Users” is a term reserved for drug addicts – avoid it – we have customers !
Don't, that's don't use IT terms and acronyms that your customers don't understand. Explain concepts in the language of business, based on the key drivers/metrics that concern our customers (ie revenue, profit, cost, etc)
Please focus on what technology can do to drive revenue, create new capabilities, automate processes, attract new customers and delight existing ones - talk about what it does, not what it is (unless you're a technology company, no-one cares what it is .... especially your customers).
Development must be flexible - project life cycles have to get shorter. Accept that people have the right to change their minds and turn on a sixpence. The time line for projects is weeks and months, not months and years.
Run your projects as if they were a profit centre - every project (even infrastructure development) must be a business project and you must take on the role of ensuring benefits are realised.
Remove the negatives around IT. Whenever I want something from the IT Department, why is the answer "No" - make it "Yes" and we'll start from there
…….and most of all.
You are all your own “shop window”. Be visible, honest, open and transparent. Remove the smoke and mirrors, take personal ownership and deliver and exceptional IT experience. Take personal pride in everything you do.